


  • ICERI 2013. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Lecture: Teaching innovation projects on set and urban scenographic designs in the historical city and landscape of Granada. Sevilla. November 2013.
  • 44th Manuel de Falla International courses: La vida breve. Architecture and scenography in urban spaces of Albaicín quarter. Granada 2013. Lecture: “Scenography and creativity. From dream to real”.
  • Seminar: “Building with words”. School of Architecture of Granada. January 2013. Lecture: “Space stories. About poetry and architecture”.
  • III International congress on heritage and applied graphics. Granada. November 2012. Lecture: “Heritage as a creative place for urban scenographies”.

Research projects

  • 2017: Research professor. Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. . Research project: “Observatory of scenic spaces: Theatre cartography” (OEE CARTOTEA).
  • 2015: Research professor “Architecture, scenography and urban space: Historical cities and events”. Universidad de Granada.
  • 2013. Coordinator of 44 International courses Manuel de Falla: La vida breve. Architecture and scenography in urban spaces of Albaicín quarter. International music and dance festival.
  • 2012. Coordinator of the Research Project: “Teaching Scenography as an integrated architecture project”. University of Granada. 2011-2012.
  • 2011. Coordinator of the Research Project: “Teaching Scenography design as an architecture project”. University of Granada.
  • 2012. Member of the Research Group: “Architecture, Scenography and urban space: Historic cities and cultural events“.


  • 2016. Book: Atlántida, un viaje a Falla Escenografía en espacios de Cádiz y la Alhambra. E. Cachorro, F del Corral, M. Palma, Eds. Ed. Godel, Granada. Article: “Viaje a Atlántida. Lugares para una escenografía soñada”.
  • 2014: Book: El amor brujo. Scenography and architecture in spaces of the Alhambbra. E. Cachorro, F del Corral, M. Palma, Eds. Ed. Godel, Granada. Article: “Truth and illusion. The use of water in scenography”.
  • 2013. La vida breve. Escenografía y arquietctura en espacios urbanos del Albaicín. E. Cachorro, F del Corral, M. Palma, Eds. Ed. Godel, Granada. Article: “A bit of water. Space, scenography and emotion”
  • 2012. A.A.V.V. El retablo de maese Pedro. Escenografías urbanas en Úbeda (Urban scenographies in Úbeda). E. Cachorro + F. del Corral + M. Palma Eds. Editorial Godel S.L. Granada.
  • 2011. AAVV. El Gran Teatro del Mundo (The great theatre of the world) 1927-2011. El aprendizaje del diseño escenográfico como proyecto de arquitectura (Teaching Scenography design as an architecture project) E. Cachorro + F. del Corral + M. Palma Eds. Ed. Godel S.L. Granada.



  • 2016: Lecture: “WaterScales, Proyectar con agua”. Máster de Paisaje y Espacio Público de la UGR. Granada.
  • 2016: Coordination postgraduate work: “Water Sustainability. Alhambra & Albaicín on three research dimensions (A&A)”. With the University of South Florida (USF), USA.
  • 2016: Acuitecture workshop “Enmarismados”. Architecture week, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Huelva.
  • 2016: Research stay: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research. Israel.
  • 2016: Comunication: “Fluidity and transparency. A sustainable way of using and learning from water. 6th Sustainable Development Symposium (SDS 2016), Granada.
  • 2016: Lecture: “Venice: water and project. A travel to liquidity”, Laboratorio de Territorios en Transformación, ETS de Arquitectura de Granada.
  • 2016: Lecture: “Burle Marx. Water landscapes”, I Landscape meeting “Garden and ladscape. Contemporary creations”. Master de Paisaje y Espacio Público de la UGR. Granada.
  • 2016: Coordination of I Landscape meeting “Garden and ladscape. Contemporary creations”. Máster de Paisaje y Espacio Público de la UGR .Granada.
  • 2015: Reseearch stay: American Academy + Universitá degli Stud Roma tre. Rome.
  • 2015: International Congress “The city and the culture”, Granada. Lectures: “Water and uran scenography. Truth and illusion in international exhibitions” / “Heritage and theatre landscape. Plaza de las Pasiegas in Granada”.
  • 2014: Lecture: “Water and Urban scenography in Universal Exhibitions since 1939. ESA 2014, International congress, “Public spaces and private lives in the contemporary city”, Lisboa.
  • 2014: Article: “Redrawing for seeing. A travel to Carlo Scarpa’s water landscapes”. 15 International Congress Graphical expression. “Drawing and the travel of the architects”. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • 2013. Lecture at COAHuelva (Huelva Architects Association): “WaterScales. Three works and one project”.
  • 2013. Conferences at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Escola de Belas Artes and Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo): “Agua: Paisagem e arquitetura” / “Projetar con agua: Carlo Scarpa” /“Paisagens d’agua de Roberto Burle Marx”.
  • 2013. Master in Advanced Architecture Projects (MPAA). School of Architecture of Madrid. Lecture: Living form. Roberto Burle Marx
  • 2013. Permanent meeting on architecture history. School of Architecture of Granada. Granada. Lecture: “Carlo Scarpa. Atemporal master”.
  • Master in Touristic innovation. Escuela superior de comunicación y empresa (ESCO). Granada. December 2012. Lecture: “Space and emotion”.
  • 2011. Conferences and workshops at Rafael Landivar University. Faculty of Architecture. and Spanish Embassy. Guatemala. Lecture: “Waterscales. Works and projects”.
  • 2011. 48 IFLA World Congress. 2011. Zürich. Scales of landscape. Lecture: “WaterScales: Water Scale of landscape. Damascus and Granada. A cultural continuity”.
  • 2011. Master in Advanced Architecture Projects (MPAA). School of Architecture of Madrid. Lecture: “Pikionis: Hand, matter, time”.
  • 2011. Conferences and guiding workshops at the Faculty of Architecture of Aleppo (Syria): Topic: “Water and Landscape of man”.
  • 2010. School of Architecture. National Technical University of Athens. Lecture:
    “Designing with water. Granada, a cultural landscape continuity”.
  • 2010. Master in Advanced Architecture Projects (MPAA). School of Architecture of Madrid. Lecture: “Glasscapes. Water and glass, Landscapes on Scarpa’s architecture”.
  • 2009. 46 International IFLA Congress. Infrastructure: High Performance Landscapes. Río de Janeiro. Brazil. Lecture: “Waterscales: Landscape and energy in Granada”.
  • 2009. Blue in Architecture 09. International symposium. Water, Climate change and Architecture. Venice. Lecture: “Waterscales: Landscape, and energy in Granada”.
  • 2009. Laboratorio di Laurea in Architettura per il Paesaggio. IUAV di Venezia. Facoltà di architettura. Lecture: “Water. Essence of space on Scarpa’s architecture”. – 2009. International Symposium Italy-Spain. Contemporary architecture in Historical places. Granada. Lecture: “Landscape restoration of the “Grottes of Hercules”. Tangier. Morocco.
  • 2008. Paisajes 08. International Congress. Conference Landscape, Water & Sustainability. Saragossa. Lecture: “Landscape restoration of the “Grottes of Hercules”.
  • 2007. International Congress. The matter of architecture. Ciudad Real.Lecture: “Water. Essence of the space on Carlo Scarpa’s architecture”


  • 2018. Article: “There is no peace without water. Use of water as a sustainable and creative tool for creating architecture”. Ed Ugr. Colección Eirene, Granada
  • 2016: Articles: “Water and urban scenography. Truth and illusion in universal exhibitions” / “Heritage and theatre landscape. Plaza de las Pasiegas in Granada”. In: Juan Calatrava, Francisco García Pérez, David Arredondo Garrido (eds.) La Cultura y la Ciudad. Granada: Ed. Universidad de Granada. 2016.
  • 2015: Book: del Corral del Campo, Francisco. Burle Marx. Water landscapes. General de ediciones de arquitectura, Valencia.
  • 2015: Article: “Water and urban scenography in universal exhibitions up to 1929”. In: Arquitectura, Patrimonio y Ciudad . M.A. Chaves (Dir.). Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
  • 2015: Article: “Water and Urban scenography in Universal Exhibitions since 1939”. EDA (Esempi di Architettura). Aracne Editrice, Roma.
  • 2015: Article: “Gaston Bachelard. Water and dreams”. In: El arquitecto y sus libros. J. Calatrava y L.C. Izquierdo, Eds. Ed. Universidad de Granada.
  • 2014: Article: “Water and Urban scenography in Universal Exhibitions until 1929”. EDA (Esempi di Architettura). Aracne Editrice, Roma.
  • 2013. Del Corral del Campo, Francisco. Water. Essence of the space on Carlo Scarpa’s architecture. General de ediciones de arquitectura. Valencia.
  • 2012. AAVV. La arquitectura y el tiempo (Architecture and time). Article: “Damascus and Granada. A cultural continuity”. Ed. Abada. Madrid
  • 2011. AAVV. LiveSpeaking. 10.11. Reflexiones y diálogos en torno a la creatividad y el arte (Thinkings and dialogs about creativity and art). Article: “Re_habitar un paisaje de agua. Bebiendo de la Vega” (Re_inhabitate a water landscape. Drinking from the lowlands). Ed. LoretoSpa Arquitectura. Granada.
  • 2011. A.A.V.V. Blue in architecture 09. Water, Climate Change and Architecture. Focus and debate on a fluid and sustainable future. Universitá IUAV. Venezia.
  • 2007. A.A.V.V. The matter of architecture. Article: “Water. Essence of the space on Carlo Scarpa’s architecture”. International Congress. Almagro. Ciudad Real. October.
  • 2008. Del Corral del Campo, Francisco. Doctoral Thesis: Water. Essence of the space on Carlo Scarpa’s architecture. Ed. University of Granada.
  • 2001. Pasajes de Arquitectura y Crítica (Arch. magazine) nº 26. Article + drawings: Salzburg. Madrid.

Research projects

  • 2012. Member of the Andalucía Team. Solar Decathlon Europe 2012. Universities of Seville, Málaga, Jaén and Granada.